Our Kaitiaki play an important role within our school, ensuring support and care of our students.

Stacey Morrison
Junior Kaitiaki

Kia ora my name is Stacey Morrison. I am a local girl born and raised here in Kawerau, where I currently reside with my whānau. I have been teaching here at Tarawera High School for 12 years. This year I have taken the new role of Junior Kaitiaki, as well as teaching senior English, Maths, and Art classes. I look forward to the opportunity of working alongside students while working in these various roles. My focus will be on building positive relationships with the students, their whānau, and the wider community. 

Mel Foreman
Junior Kaitiaki

Ko Melani Anapu Foreman toku ingoa. Nō Kawerau ahau. 

This is my third year with Tarawera High School as a Year 7 and 8 Kaiako and it is where my career in teaching begun.

I have been very fortunate to be selected as Kaitiaki for Te Kaunga Apakura for 2025 and I look forward to working alongside our amazing students, their whānau and our wider community.


Justin Ross

Year 9 Kaitiaki


Ruihi Shortland

Year 10 Kaitiaki

Ka tū takotako nei ahau ki runga i te pouwhenua matua o Ngāti Awa, e te maunga whakapapa Pūtauaki tū mai rā. Mā tiro atu ki te Haupapa Kohatu ko Mōtītī! 

Mai Mōtītī ki Pūpūaruhe, Mai Pūpūaruhe ki Mōtītī! Ōtira he uri te iti nei nō Te Patuiwai. Hoea te waka o Mata Atua ki te Taitokerau ki te pā o Puhi, arā, ko te maunga whakahī, e koro Orongo, nei rā te iti me tūohu ki a Koe. Mai te awa o Awanuiārangi ki te rangi ki Hineawaawa ki te whenua, Te Mauri o te mana wahine atua, e kui e Hineahuone, Tihei Mauri Ora!

Matt Metcalf
Year 11-13 Kaitiaki
Hi my name is Matt Metcalf, I am originally from England but have enjoyed working in Kawerau for the past 13 years. My roles this year include Senior Dean, Teacher of English and Principals Nominee.

Antony Pritchard
Senior Academic Advisor
Kia ora koutou, I am pleased to take on the role of Senior Academic Advisor for 2025. This is a role I am returning to after previously holding the role from 2017-2022. I have always been and remain passionate about our students’ academic success and their pathways here and beyond their time at Tarawera High School. I believe in our students’ ability to be successful in whichever pathway they choose with the correct support and guidance. I am focused on ensuring our tamariki are in the correct classes and are focused on their learning to get the credits and results they are capable of. The start of the year has been full on always with a focus on timetables, meeting with students with gaps in timetables or who have new goals and ambitions after returning from the holidays. This is important to ensure students are in the correct classes for their goals and where they have the best chance to reach academic success. I have been working with Mr Sheaff at the early academic tracking of students who were close to passing in 2024 and looking at individual plans for them. We have also been in the early stages of beginning our literacy and numeracy PLD mahi with Evaluation Associates. I look forward to setting challenging goals with our students and their whānau and celebrating their successes at the end of the academic year.