Mana is about honour and prestige. It also about respect and humility.
Tarawera High School is an environment underpinned by the philosophy of whakawhanaungatanga, that recognises tangata-whenua whilst still valuing all knowledge, language and culture.

He tangata takahi manuhiri, he marae puehu
A person who mistreats his guest has a dusty Marae
Respect for ourselves, for others, the environment and the traditions of the school.
Manaakitanga requires us to deliver our best. At Tarawera High School we demand excellence in hospitality, kindness, respect, caring for the environment and our relationships.

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket the people will live
To learn, study, instruct, teach, advise.
It is impossible for one person to contain all of the knowledge in the world. We believe in collaboration and acknowledge that each of us is a learner and a teacher at various times.

He tangata ki tahi
A man who speaks once
Integrity, being honest, trustworthy, responsible and accountable for your actions and decisions.
We gain honour from doing the right thing, even when it is not easy. Our students are encouraged to keep their word, and to be responsible for their own actions – leadership qualities that are valuable at school and beyond.

Kāhore taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini
We cannot succeed without the support of those around us
To care, mentor, assist, help.
The way we respect and care for others defines what we are like as people. Our staff lead by example in this area and encourage our rangatahi to express this quality throughout their school journey