Here at Tarawera High School we take great pride in growing our students potential as great leaders, and we have a range of programmes on offer to help grow our future. For any information on these programmes please contact us.
Haere taka mua, taka muri, Kaua e whai
Be a leader, not a follower
Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a programme for 14-25 year olds and is open to all young people.
Leaders are often born during challenging situations. The Duke of Edinburgh programme embraces this idea by immersing our students into authentic outdoor experiences where physical and environmental challenges encourage them to unlock their own leadership potential.
These experiences extend in duration as participants progress from Bronze to Silver, and finally to the Gold award. Students are also required to partake in skill development, sports and recreation, and community service. The combination of these areas encourages our students to become well-rounded leaders of the 21st century.
POET – Perry Outdoor Education Trust
The Perry Outdoor Education Trust assists Secondary Schools to facilitate the delivery of Outdoor Education experiences for students by building capability and sustainability in schools through professional development, mentoring of teachers and direct funding.
Each year level will have a particular focus based on the needs of the students. The learning environments will be set outside of the classroom and in camp based situations.
Tuakana Teina – Peer Mentoring

The tuakana-teina relationship is an integral part of traditional Māori society, providing students as role models. This could be an older or more expert tuakana who helps and guides a younger or less expert teina.
In a learning environment that recognises the value of ako, the concept means both to teach and to learn. It recognises the knowledge that both teachers and learners bring to learning interactions, and it acknowledges the way that new knowledge and understandings can grow out of shared learning experiences.